Gortbrack Organic Farm is a 9-acre small holding located just 10 miles outside of Tralee and is owned and operated by Ian McGrigor and Eileen O’Carroll. The farm is an award winning, innovative centre for Environmental Education, Local Organic Food Training and Development.
The farm is famous for its wonderful and varied courses in Organic Growing, Biodiversity and Sustainability. There are 3 Eco Cabins available for rent on the farm during your cour se, or for a longer period for holidays.
Ian McGrigor, Niamh Ni Dhuill, Lucy Bell and Claire O’Connor making a tree seed nursery bed.
We have been buying organic vegetables from Ian and Eileen for over 8 years now, and are delighted to be able to call them our friends as well as suppliers. Ian has been a great source or help and advice over the years, for which we are truly grateful. Even in the depths of winter we will usually have spinach, salads and herbs from Gortbrack in our store.
Their farm has a diverse range of ecological & native Irish habitats, ranging from ponds to wild bog land. The extensive wildlife habitats include native hedgerows, woodlands, ditches and stonewalls. There is a superb and varied seasonal supply of organic vegetables and herbs from the polytunnels and field beds. On a tour you can also visit the various composting systems, the willow features, the actual active water filtering reed bed systems, the Ecocabins and not forgetting the noisy ducks and zen-like donkeys.
Visit their website here: www.gortbrackorganicfarm.com