This beautiful vegetable pie is easier to make than it looks. Tastes delicious and is great either hot or cold. This makes it ideal for a picnic, or for dinner with leftovers for lunch.

Spiral Veg Pie
2016-01-28 13:52:29

Serves 6
Cook Time
40 min
- 1 pie dish lined with short-crust pastry
- 1 cup creme fraiche
- 2 tablespoons dijon or wholegrain mustard
- 2 large fresh sage leaves or 1 tsp dried sage
- 2 courgettes
- 1 butternut squash, medium
- 4 carrots
- 1 parsnip
- 1 aubergine
- drizzle of olive oil
- Salt and pepper
- Preheat oven to 375 F. Prick the pastry lightly with a fork and bake blind for 10 minutes.
- Spread the crème fraîche over the bottom of the pastry then top with the mustard.
- Drag a fork though it to ensure it is well distributed. Sprinkle with the sage.
- Wash and scrub the carrots, parsnip, squash, aubergine and courgette.
- Using a veg peeler, cut the vegetables in lengthwise strips.
- Cut so as to always show a small strip of skin colour on the edge for decorative purposes.
- Roll a strip of courgette into a spiral and place in the center of the dish with the skin of the vegetable upwards. Surround the strip of courgette with a few strips of carrots, again with the skin side upwards. Continue adding vegetables strips in alternating colours until reaching the edge of the dish.
- Drizzle olive oil over all. Season with salt and pepper.
- Bake in the preheated oven for 40 minutes. Delicious served hot or cold.
Manna Organic Store https://mannaorganicstore.ie/